Module express-handlers

Exports express.js handlers and utility.

Example of a fully configured express server using unologĀ·in.

// load the .env file into process.env

const express = require('express');

// replace this with require('@unologin/node-sdk') in your project
const unologin = require('../lib/main');

const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');

const {
} =;

// setup unologin
// your unologin api key
apiKey: process.env.UNOLOGIN_API_KEY,

// domain(s) on which to set cookies
cookiesDomain: process.env.UNOLOGIN_COOKIES_DOMAIN,

// you can disable secure cookies when testing locally without https
useSecureCookies: !process.env.UNOLOGIN_DEBUG_DISABLE_SECURE,

// OPTIONAL: decide what happens if
// 1. a user is not logged in where requireLogin is active (see below) or
// 2. a user has provided invalid login credentials where parseLogin is active (see below)
onAuthError(function(req, res)
// this is actually the default behavior, but you can do anything you want in here
// if you're fine with the default behavior, simply skip onAuthError(...)

// you can actually call the logoutHandler as a function when not providing next()
// this will cause the user to get logged out
logoutHandler(req, res);
res.send('Auth error: ' + res.locals.unologin?.msg || 'unknown error');

// create an express app
const app = express();

// unologin middleware requires a cookie parser

// this handles your login events
// the url http(s)://<your api domain>/unologin/login must be a whitelisted callback URL
// this whitelist can be edited through the dashboard
app.use('/unologin/login', loginEventHandler);

// from here on, we can use parseLogin to parse login information
// the login information is available in res.locals.unologin
// IMPORTANT: This will only parse the login token if the user is logged in.
// If the user is not logged in, the request is passed to the next handler.
// this will store the parsed login information in res.locals.unologin.user
app.use('*', parseLogin);

// you can then use requireLogin to make sure a user is logged in for certain actions
// IMPORTANT: this requires that parseLogin has been added to the app before
app.use('/me/*', requireLogin);

// since this route starts with /me/, we can ensure that the user is logged in
app.get('/me/print-token', (req, res) =>
// after using parseLogin, the user will be stored in res.locals.unologin.user

app.get('/me/profile', (req, res, next) =>
// the user token contains information such as the id and user classes
// which is sufficient for most applications, but lacks profile information and metadata
const userToken = res.locals.unologin.user;

// profile information can be retrieved using the REST API like this:
.then((user) => res.send(user))
.catch((e) => next(e));

// create an endpoint to query your users
// in most scenarios, you would not want to publicly list all your users
app.get('/users', (req, res, next) =>
// create a GetCursor for users matching the query
const cursor =
new URLSearchParams(req.query),

if (req.query.all)
// send all users in a single request
// in practice, this approach should also not be used as cursor.toArray()
// will aggregate ALL users matching the query into a single array.
.then((users) => res.send(users))
.catch((e) => next(e));
// this will send a subset of the users along with a continuation token
// the token can then be used to fetch the next page via
// GET /users/?after=${continuationToken}
.then((batch) => res.send(batch))
.catch((e) => next(e));

// the logoutHandler will delete all login related cookies and then call next()
// this means that you have to call res.send() yourself'/logout', logoutHandler, function(req, res)
res.send('We hope to have you back soon!');

const port = process.env.PORT || 8081;

app.listen(port, () =>
console.log('Example app listening on port ' + port);



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